Recently in Women's Soccer Category
International Students Making An Impact For The Knights
By Chip Fontanazza on January 11, 2013 9:30 AM
With the second-largest enrollment of any university in theUnited States, UCF is becoming well-known in the U.S. and beyond. Thatrepresentation can be seen on the playing field, as 40 InternationalStudent-Athletes from 22 different countries compete for the Knights. That'snearly 10 percent of all Knight student-athletes.
All of these student-athletes have experienced success bothon and off the field, all while making the transition to a new country andculture.
Of those 40 student-athletes, tennis player and Alicante,Spain native Jorge Blasco is the only one in graduate school. He is currentlyworking on his degree in Civil Engineering and arrived on campus back in thefall of 2011. Blasco admits he was nervous to go to school in another country, butsays the staff in the UCF athletic department helped him make a smoothtransition.
"It was tough for me because I didn't know anyone, but inthe first two or three weeks I met a lot of people," Blasco said.
While Blasco was adjusting to life in the U.S., many of histeammates had either already made the transition or were going through thattransition at the same time.
"That helped a lot," Blasco said. "The tennis team has about80 percent international students. They're all either from Europe or SouthAmerica, so we all had the same difficulties. But we all helped each other."
Senior and Berlin, Germany native Bianca Joswiak has spentthe past four years as a member of the women's soccer team. This year, she willgraduate with a degree in Business Marketing. This past fall, she helped guidethe Knights to their first Conference USA Tournament Championship.
When Joswiak was in her home country, she spent severalyears taking English classes to prepare her for an opportunity here.
"For me, it's a great experience to live in another countryfor a couple years," Joswiak said. "You have to do things on your own andfigure stuff out on your own without your parents and close friends from home.The academic advisors here help you make sure you do your work on time and helpyou adjust to the full schedule with all of the practices and you still findroom for your homework and other assignments."
UCF staff members are always prepared to help the studentswith their transition to another country. The school makes sure all of theincoming student-athletes are prepared and stays in touch with them as much aspossible before they move to the United States.
"Our contact with the international students starts waybefore they even arrive in the U.S.," Rocky Blesso from the UCF InternationalServices Center said. "We have an admissions team dedicated to internationaladmissions and these individuals reach out anywhere from six to 10 months inadvance. We try to give them a better feel of what to expect at UCF before theyarrive and also some of the requirements we have at UCF."
All of the international student-athletes are flourishing atUCF. The 40 students have combined for a 3.29 GPA, on top of setting aside timefor their sports and giving back to the community.
"I'm always extremely impressed and in awe of how focusedour international student-athletes are upon their arrival," Associate AthleticDirector for Academic Services Kimya Massey said. "They truly know what theywant regarding their academics and always find a way to get it done at a highlevel. They continually find a way to be successful with their incredible workethic and ability to adapt in everything they do. They are great role modelsfor all students and we are much more diverse and grateful for their presencehere with us."
Jewell Recognized in Senior CLASS Award Presentation
By Jenna Marina on January 10, 2013 9:46 AM

Nicol Nationally Recognized by CollegeSoccer360
By Jenna Marina on November 14, 2012 12:44 PM
UCFdefender Ashley Nicol was named to the CS360 Primetime Performers Honor Roll onWednesday for her performance in the Knights' thrilling shootout against Miamion Saturday. Nicol is one of 13 players around the country to earn thedistinction.
Nicolnetted a highlight-reel diving header with less than six minutes remaining totie the game against the Canes. She would eventually connect on her PK duringthe shootout to help UCF advance to the second round for the sixth-consecutiveseason.
heJacksonville native was also named to the Conference USA All-Tournament teamand has started in every game this year. She is a part of a defense that hassecured a school and conference-record 15 shutouts this year.Cromwell Appears on David Baumann Show
By Jenna Marina on November 8, 2012 10:31 AM
Women's Soccer Scarves Available for Purchase
By Jenna Marina on November 7, 2012 1:46 PM
UCF Women's Soccer Makes Headlines
By Jenna Marina on November 5, 2012 3:49 PM
UCF Women's Soccer Gives Back
By Jenna Marina on November 2, 2012 12:35 PM
Five Knights Selected to College Sports Madness All-Conference Team
By Jenna Marina on October 29, 2012 8:51 AM
Jewell Featured by Orlando Sentinel
By Jenna Marina on October 27, 2012 6:18 AM
Cromwell, Fish Race for Cure
By Jenna Marina on October 21, 2012 11:16 AM
UCF Women's Soccer Honored at Football
By Jenna Marina on October 4, 2012 9:07 PM
Cromwell Appears on 1080 Insider Show
By Jenna Marina on October 1, 2012 11:36 AM
New Jersey's Record Highlights Maldonado, Trujic
By Jenna Marina on September 26, 2012 9:53 AM

UCF Featured on WFTV Channel 9
By Jenna Marina on September 20, 2012 1:50 PM

Space Coast Knights Featured on
By Jenna Marina on September 19, 2012 12:37 PM
Blog: The Knights Like The Close Ones
By Chip Fontanazza on September 2, 2012 6:03 PM
Many teams that advance deep in the post season have morethan likely won some close games. The UCF women's soccer team is hoping to makeanother deep run into the post season and head coach Amanda Cromwell sayswinning close games will help her team accomplish that.
Last year, the Knights went to the Elite Eight in the NCAATournament.
Sunday's 1-0 overtime victory against Georgia was UCF'ssecond overtime win of the season. The other win came against then-No. 12 Miami(FL) and three of the Knights' five victories this season have been by one goal.
"In practice, we train for that," Cromwell said. "So whenpost season comes we'll feel calm and collected about things and we can playour game."
Senior forward Tishia Jewell scored the game-winning goalagainst the Bulldogs with under one minute left in overtime. It was her firstgoal of the season.
"We come together as a team and we never give up," Jewellsaid. "We keep on going for it and we don't stop. You have to learn how to playno matter what situation we're in."
Cromwell says winning close games is also about stayingfocused and working together as a team, but there were some other adjustmentsthe team made against UGA increase their chances to succeed.
"We changed the formation at the end of the game to put somepressure on them and we kept that going into overtime," Cromwell said. "We justwant to keep doing what we're doing."
The women's soccer team's next opponent is at Boston Collegeon Sept. 9.
Knights Appreciate Large Friday Night Crowd
By Andy Seeley on August 24, 2012 11:01 PM
There were very few empty seats at the UCF Soccer Complex Fridaynight for the women's match between the No.9-ranked Knights and No. 3 FloridaState. Friday night's audience was one of the largest crowds in program historyas 1,310 fans - including 449 students - packed into the stadium.
Despite a 1-0 loss to the Seminoles, the Knights saidFriday's huge crowd meant a lot to them.
"There were times when I had a few opportunities and havingthe crowd behind the goal gave us a better advantage and brings energy to thefield," said senior midfielder Andrea Rodrigues. "It brings more than you everknow."
Head coach Amanda Cromwell said it was great seeing blackand gold all over in the stands. She also enjoyed seeing season ticketholderswith their UCF soccer scarfs.
"The soccer culture is a unique one," Cromwell said. "If wecan get the fans and the students to embrace our soccer culture, then I thinkthey'll keep coming out in full force."
The students in attendance said this game was being talkedabout on campus all week. Many said the large turnout didn't surprise them.
"Every year I've been here the crowds started out small, butgot really big," said UCF senior Pedro Vasconcellos. "Athletics is huge here atUCF."
Fans will get a chance to pack the stands again thisweekend. UCF will take on another in-state opponent when Miami travels northfor a Sunday afternoon matchup. Coach Cromwell hopes to see another big turnout.
"We need the same crowd to support us," said Cromwell."Sunday afternoons are always a tough game in the heat and your legs are tiredfrom Friday. We're going to have to use some more players than we did tonight.Hopefully the crowd gives us some energy to get a win."
-UCF Athletics-
Women's Soccer Featured in Orlando Sentinel
By Jenna Marina on August 24, 2012 8:40 AM
UCF Tabbed as Team to Watch; Jewell Named One of Nation's Best
By Jenna Marina on August 17, 2012 8:10 AM
It's rabbit season...SOCCER SEASON!
Opening day is upon us Knight fans. And what better way tokick it off than a match against rival USF? But before game time commences at7:30 tonight in Tampa, the No. 12 UCF women's soccer team made positive headlines onceagain this week.
Graham Hays of ESPNW broke down the 2012 season andmentioned UCF as a team to watch. Hays writes:
"Central Florida: Last season was tremendous for teams frombeyond the traditional power conferences in women's college soccer, withCentral Florida, Memphis, Pepperdine and Wisconsin-Milwaukee among the programsthat spent much of the season climbing the polls. Central Florida reached thequarterfinals of the NCAA tournament and eliminated North Carolina in ChapelHill in a Sweet 16 penalty shootout. With nine returning players who logged atleast 1,000 minutes last season, the Golden Knights are among the bestpositioned to try and prove last season's upswing was no fluke."
You can read more of the article here. On to Tishia Jewell.
Our fearless leader has already beennamed to the All-Conference USA Preseason Team, two Preseason All-Americanlists and the Hermann Trophy Watch List. On Friday, she appeared on SoccerAmerica's list of the top 100 players in the country. This ranking - which includessophomore, juniors and seniors - includes the highest ranked college soccerplayers in the nation and will be updated weekly.
Jewell clocks in at No. 31 as the highest ranked ConferenceUSA player. She is joined by fellow conference members Lizzy Simonin (No. 38) andChristabel Oduro (No. 82) of Memphis.
Preseason Attention Continues for UCF Women's Soccer
By Jenna Marina on August 14, 2012 8:50 AM
Best of Orlando: Amanda Cromwell Makes the Cut
By Jenna Marina on August 10, 2012 12:21 PM
2. Amanda Cromwell
UCF's Olympics Watch Party
By Jenna Marina on August 9, 2012 2:57 PM
UCF Player TeamUSA Player
Noel Crane AbbyWambach
AlexPiercy AlexMorgan
MeganFish AbbyWambach ("duh")
JessicaVaritek AliKrieger
AshleyNicol MeganRapinoe
CarleighWilliams MeganRapinoe
JenniferMartin MeganRapinoe
JoshuaS. Walters, Sr. (assistant coach) PaulRogers (USA assistant coach & the only male
coach on staff)
LeahSchoen (trainer) MeganRapinoe
Amanda Cromwell (head coach) Christie Rampone ("I played with her")
Kaitlyn Steckel Abby Wambach
TaylorTownsend LaurenCheney
AmandaWilkin TobinHeath
MaxineMurchie AbbyWambach
ConnieOrgan AlexMorgan/Megan Rapinoe
DianaManis RachelBuehler
MadisonBarney MeganRapinoe
AllieGerry CarliLloyd
TylerLaw MeganRapinoe
KaylaDarden MeganRapinoe/Shannon Boxx
KatyLing MeganRapinoe
LianneMaldonado ShannonBoxx/Hope Solo
AprilAsby MeganRapinoe
MarleighHoward MeganRapinoe/Heather O'Reilly
AndreaRodrigues MeganRapinoe/Heather O'Reilly
SpayneAvant MeganRapinoe/Alex Morgan
MarissaDiggs RachelBuehler
SokharaGoodall MeganRapinoe
NicoletteRadovcic TobinHeath/Heather O'Reilly
AlexMajor AbbyWambach
KristinaTrujic MeganRapinoe
BiancaJoswiak MeganRapinoe
TishiaJewell MeganRapinoe
AlineReis (alum) MeganRapinoe
KristenPoulton MeganRapinoe
ZoeHayes MeganRapinoe
DonnaFishter (assistant coach) PiaSundhage (USA head coach, "she celebrates goals
like me")
College Sports Madness' 2012 Breakdown
By Jenna Marina on August 6, 2012 2:04 PM
BLOG: First Day of Practice
By Jenna Marina on August 1, 2012 10:49 AM
Top Five Photos of 2011 Season: No. 2
By Jenna Marina on July 30, 2012 9:35 AM

Top Five Photos of 2011 Season: No. 3
By Jenna Marina on July 27, 2012 8:38 AM
Top Five Photos of 2011 Season: No. 4
By Jenna Marina on July 26, 2012 9:05 AM
Top Five Photos of 2011 Season: No. 5
By Jenna Marina on July 25, 2012 12:21 PM
Maldonado's Weekend in Texas
By Jenna Marina on July 17, 2012 3:58 PM

Rodrigues Featured in Central Florida Future
By Jenna Marina on July 12, 2012 1:45 PM

- International Students Making An Impact For The Knights
- Jewell Recognized in Senior CLASS Award Presentation
- Nicol Nationally Recognized by CollegeSoccer360
- Cromwell Appears on David Baumann Show
- Women's Soccer Scarves Available for Purchase
- UCF Women's Soccer Makes Headlines
- UCF Women's Soccer Gives Back
- Five Knights Selected to College Sports Madness All-Conference Team
- Jewell Featured by Orlando Sentinel
- Baseball (13)
- Football (161)
- Knights Without Borders (11)
- Men's Basketball (127)
- Men's Soccer (25)
- Rowing (5)
- Softball (14)
- Track (20)
- Volleyball (28)
- Women's Basketball (15)
- Women's Soccer (30)