

BLOG: First Day of Practice

By Jenna Marina on August 1, 2012 10:49 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
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Andddd they're off! Fall season officially started on Wednesday with the UCF women's soccer team's first day of practice. You can check out some photos from the practice field on our facebook page: Don't forget to "like" us if you haven't already.

It's safe to say that the team cannonballed into action by starting the session with the Manchester United Fitness Test. Without getting too technical, it's basically an endurance/conditioning test that requires the players to run the length of the practice field in a certain time limit. That time limit keeps decreasing the longer the test continues. Even Coach Cromwell ran alongside the players.

A big shoutout to Nicolette Radovcic for emerging as the last woman standing with 21 "down and backs."


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