

UCF Volleyball Practice Report: Day 2

By Andrew Jennette on August 9, 2012 12:53 PM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
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Day 2 of UCF volleyball's preseason camp at The Venue opened up with a series of intense footwork drills led by strength and conditioning coach John Ellis. These drills helped head coach Todd Dagenais and his coaching staff stress the importance of having quick feet and low defensive positioning. 

 You can check out more photos from Day 2 of practice on our Facebook page: Don't forget to "like" us if you haven't already.

The most spirited portion of day 2 took place when the team was separated into two squads of seven. Each group of players had five minutes to knock 12 chairs out of play using just their serves. 

Team one exploded in celebration as they finished the drill with just three seconds remaining on the clock. Their jubilation would be short lived; however, as team two toppled their score by completing the drill with 29 seconds left on the clock.

We'll check back in with more tomorrow as the team has photo day in the morning as well as day 3 of practice as they continue to prepare for the first Black and Gold scrimmage that takes place this Saturday at 3:30 in The Venue.

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