Extended Trailer for Knights Without Borders Video Released
Plans are already under way for a second Knights Without Borders international service-learning trip this winter. However, the impact of this past Spring's trip to Panama is still being felt both in Panama and with the UCF student-athletes and administrators who took part in the trip.
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- Extended Trailer for Knights Without Borders Video Released
- Looking Ahead - Staphon Blair
- A Major Junior Achievement For The Knights
- Panama Documentary Preview
- Looking Ahead - Isaiah Sykes
- Looking Ahead - Matt Williams
- Looking Ahead - Matt Williams
- Looking Ahead - Tristan Spurlock
- Looking Ahead - Daiquan Walker
- Baseball (13)
- Football (161)
- Knights Without Borders (11)
- Men's Basketball (127)
- Men's Soccer (25)
- Rowing (5)
- Softball (14)
- Track (20)
- Volleyball (28)
- Women's Basketball (15)
- Women's Soccer (30)
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