

@MOD4Three - UAB

By Mike O'Donnell on January 10, 2013 11:09 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
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- Knights started out in crisp fashion with Newell scoring 6 quick points.
- To the untrained eye UAB seemed to keep Sykes in check and he still had 9 points, 6 assists and 8 rebounds.
- Knights used some great drive and kick action in the half court. It's easy to see how efficient they can be when the drive and kick mentality becomes consistent. It was great to see that at the start of conference play.
- You can see the confidence and patience growing for Newell and Walker in the half court and it's only going to get better.
- UAB applies impressive and consistent half court defensive pressure. The best way to negate ball pressure like that it to attack the basket going north and south. The Knights did just that.
- 14-16 from the FT line
- Loved the way Spurlock attacked the basket last night.
- Another double-double for Clanton. 12 points, 13 rebounds and let's throw in 5 blocks for kicks and giggles.
- A few too many turnovers for my taste, but half of those came on hustle plays. #icanlivewiththat

- It was a scrappy game all night. I love those kinds of games. I wish I would have charted both team's loose ball recoveries. That's the kind of game you expect for a conference opener #goodoldfashioneddogfight
- Newell and Walker are really starting to create havoc with their on-ball defensive effort.
- Held UAB to 26% field goal percentage. 0-23 from three point line. I don't think I have ever seen that before. #lockitup #noyoulockitup
- Was worried about Jordan Swing's ability to score. He is arguably one of the best shooters in C-USA. He finished with 4 points.
- Knights had 35 deflections! Can't applaud the effort on the defensive end enough. #cookiejar
- UAB runs the exact same type of offense as North Carolina... exactly the same. Knights had to defend multiple small on big cross screens, down screens and back screens for alley-oops. Great job by players on the scouting report end.

- Very physical play by both teams. This was a "grit" type of win!
- Matty Williams has a crazy quick release. Oh yeah, and it goes in!
- The Knightmare section was crazy good! Students out in full force and it was awesome! Total attendance count was 6,185.
- This new "Knightfall" marketing scheme it pretty cool... marketing interns drop parachuted items from the rafters. Reminds me of those green army parachute toys I had when I was a wee lad.
- All-American trainer Andy Reber was very sharp dressed in a grey and light blue argyle sweater with matching light blue tie. #bigtime. But I'm a geek, so best dressed goes to the student wearing a Star Wars stromtrooper costume. #maytheforcebewithyou #thesearentthedroidsyourelookingfor
- Newsflash! Marc Daniels and I want to be in the rap-off! But only if it's Vanilla Ice songs.
- Big road game this weekend at East Carolina. True character of a player comes out on the road. Go Knights!

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