

Dagenais, A2 Team Ramping Up Toward High Performance Championship Tournament

By Eric DeSalvo on July 22, 2012 8:15 PM

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Todd Dagenais/USA Volleyball Blog Entry #2

The weather is starting to get a bit more tolerable here inDes Moines. Today it will be in the mid 90's, which is far better thanthe mid 100's we have been experiencing. Fortunately, we are about to moveinto the competition hotel after tomorrow's practice. It's a fair guess we will have air conditioning from here on out. I probably justjinxed the whole thing!

We have spent the last two days training twice perday. One practice was more focused on training technical skill and thesecond practice was more focused on competitive drills and scrimmaging, so wecan start to rank the players. There are 22 players on the USA JuniorNational A-2 team. Last night we broke them up into two competition teamsof 11 based on their three days of statistics and performance. The topplayers in each position were placed on the Red team, which will be the #5seeded team overall of the 18 teams in the Women's Junior InternationalDivision.  

From there, we gave the next-highest-rated players the option ofbeing placed on the top team as a back-up or being placed on the White team (2ndteam and #9 overall seed with the opportunity for more playing time). Many of the players in this situation opted for the 2nd team wherethey will get more playing time. In the past, very few players selectedthis option, but it definitely seems like today's players are more interestedin playing time than just "being on the top team". I find that quitefascinating.

Today, I had the Red team scrimmage against our USA JuniorNational team. This team consists of the top 20 players from around theUnited States in the 19 and under age group.  Needless to say, there aremore than a few future Olympians on that team. It was a great experiencefor our players to see exactly who they have to beat out if they want to be onthe JNT in 2013 and play in the World Championships next year. Thisafternoon, we will scrimmage the JNT again, then tomorrow morning we willscrimmage Chile. From there we will shut down training and get some restheading into the High Performance Championships tournament.

The competition pools came out last night and we arescheduled to play the Iowa Region, the Badger Region, the Lone Star Region, theDominican Republic Junior National Team and the Canadian Junior NationalTeam. My team played the Dominicans last year in a really heated matchthat got a bit feisty on more than one occasion. It will be interesting to seeif it's the same players and coaching staff this year. Might be some fireworksthis time around J  

You can follow the progress of the tournament which starts Tuesday. Our first match is at 2:15 p.m. CentralTime. Click here for a link to all of the results. There is a possibilitythat some of our matches may be broadcast over the internet. I will besure to let you know if that happens.


- UCF head volleyball coach Todd Dagenais is in Des Moines, Iowa for the 2012 USA Volleyball High Performance Championships, which are set to take place July 24-28 at the Iowa Events Center. 

Dagenais is serving as the head coach of the Junior A2 squad. He directed that squad to a bronze medal finish at last year's USA Volleyball High Performance Championships. Adding to his High Performance coaching accomplishments, Dagenais was the head coach for the 2007 USA White Select National Team that won the silver medal at the USA Volleyball High Performance Championships.

A2 Programs consist of the top 10-40 athletes per gender and age group who were not selected to their respective A1 or National Team Program. The A2 Program is an essential component to the success of the HP Pipeline and the National Teams, as many athletes who train and compete in the A2 Program progress to a National Team program in subsequent years.

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