Honored By The University
During Tuesday's State of the University Address, senioroffensive lineman Jordan Rae was honored for the successes he's had on and offthe football field. Rae was one of a handful of students recognized by UCFPresident John C. Hitt.
"To hear all of those compliments were definitely awesome,"Rae said. "I've done so much and the work is finally paying off."
The senior offensive lineman graduated with his degree infinance last school year and is a three-year starter on the football team. Heis also a candidate for the Rimington Trophy, which is awarded each year to thebest center in the nation.
As an undergraduate, Rae made the honor roll in six of his eight semesters andhe is currently working on his master's degree in business.
"All of the qualities that we taught him came out and that'sreally important to us," Jordan's mother Dayle Rae said. "This is really theproof of all we taught him."
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