Welcome To Conference Play
This year's Knights squad has talked a lot about the 2010 UCFteam. That unit went down as one of the greatest in school history. UCF finishedthe season ranked 21st in the AP poll, won its second Conference USAChampionship and its first bowl game in the Liberty Bowl.
One thing that year's team has in common with this year'ssquad is both started the season 2-2 entering conference play. What helped the2010 team do well during that portion of the schedule was its seniorleadership. This year's seniors know that will play an important role in theoutcome of the rest of the season.
"One thing when you look at the 2010 team is the seniors theyhad in Bruce Miller and how good of a job they did by leading by example,"senior quarterback/receiver Rob Calabrese said. "We learned from them and we'rereally trying to emulate what they did."
With non-conference play over for UCF, the team is focusedon Conference USA play and has already moved on from its loss to MissouriSaturday.
"Coach has been saying all week basically every game fromhere on out is the conference championship and each game is a must-win,especially conference games," senior punter Jamie Boyle said. "That's our goalevery year to win the conference championship, so anytime we have anin-conference team coming to our place we definitely want to get a win."
Thursday night, the Knights will face conference foe EastCarolina at home. The Pirates come to town undefeated in conference play at2-0. The Knights are hoping this quick turnaround can help them get back in thewin column.
"It's tough to shake things off from Saturday, but obviouslywe took the coaching and watched some film," Calabrese said. "Being on a shortweek we need to prepare for a Thursday game. We went through a Tuesday typepractice today (Monday). Our guys have moved on and are ready to play Thursdaynight."
The Knights will play eight conference games in the regularseason and will play two in a row at home.
"You have to be mentally tough to be a football player andyou have to take coaching and understand what needs to be done," Calabresesaid. "Obviously, this is conference play, so this is the most important thingfor us. We're treating every game from now on like the conference championship."
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