

A Knight's Fight To Survive Breast Cancer

By Chip Fontanazza on October 3, 2012 11:11 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
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For years Kimmy Trivett has supported the UCF Knights. During this past year, the Knights have returned the favor, supporting Kimmy during her fight with breast cancer.

It's a guarantee that Kimmy and her husband Lynn will do all they can to attend every single UCF athletic event possible. Last year was no different. They traveled to every away football game. This Thursday's game against ECU is Knights for Pink, which supports the fight against breast cancer. Shortly after the season ended, Kimmy was diagnosed with breast cancer.

"I went to see the surgeon and he told me 'We have found something. We just want to do a biopsy," Kimmy said. "Of course, I've been there before and had problems, but everything was fine... In the end of January when we went back to the surgeon we walked back into his office and he said 'Well I hate to tell you this, but you have breast cancer.' It was something I never would have expected."

Kimmy had to go through 30 radiation treatments to fight off the cancer. Just this week, she completed her final treatment. It was obviously a difficult time for both Kimmy and Lynn. One of the things they were most disappointed about was the disease kept them from attending many of the Knights' away basketball and baseball games.

While the Trivetts weren't in attendance at some games, they were never forgotten. During her fight with cancer, many of the UCF teams did everything they could to show the Trivetts they were in their prayers. Kimmy recalls one moment with former UCF basketball player A.J. Rompza.

"We came over for the football signing party and he just said 'I have a card for you and I hear you're going to be on campus,'" Kimmy said. "We were in the big part of the arena and A.J. came in with this beautiful card and then in his other hand he had 18 long-stem roses. Needless to say, I got very emotional."

Another unexpected surprise from the UCF staff came during last year's ECU basketball game. Lynn won courtside seats for the game at a silent auction for Kimmy's Valentine's Day gift. Neither of them knew that game was breast cancer support night.

This show of support included a signed jersey by every player and coach.

"It was just a wonderful evening and after the game every player came across the court and gave me a hug," Kimmy said. "That was so encouraging and loving. That was one of the best nights of my life."

"We had a lot of support and a lot of that support came from UCF," Lynn Trivett said. "We didn't realize it at the moment, but it didn't take long to find out about it. Not only from friends and acquaintances, but from a lot of the athletes. We received cards, text messages and words of encouragement from every aspect of the athletic department."


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