@MOD4Three - Middle Tennessee State
- Daiquan Walker had a great first half. He hit two big time 3-pointers and made some solid decisions in the half court.
- The best way to attack a zone defense is dribble penetration in the gaps of the zone. When the Knights did that, they were successful.
- There were small stretches of stagnant offense throughout the game. That will be fixed as the season progresses.
- I thought Tristan Spurlock was great all night! He was aggressive on both ends of the floor.
- Spurlock's tip dunk of the Wilson miss was insane! #imustdunkonyou #ohmomacita
- Staphon Blair continues to improve. I wouldn't mind seeing him demand the ball a little more.
- Middle Tennessee's guards were very good at getting into the lane with their dribble attack.
- The Knights had to chase on stagger screens, double stagger screens and flare picks all game.
- Middle Tennessee subbed a lot! That's a tough scouting report.
- I Thought Walker and Rod Days provided good energy when needed.
- Tough loss... Middle Tennessee is a very good basketball team. You will see them in the NCAA tourney and they will win their league.
- All-American trainer Andy Reber had on a half zip dark green pullover. He looked like the mannequin I saw from Jos A. Bank. However, the best dressed award goes to Senior Associate AD Zack Lassiter with a timeless argyle sweater vest #ladieslovetheargyle
- Song of the Day = Gangnam Style. Taylor Young and I were skipped by the dance cam again.
- Marc Daniels gave me some of his goldfish crackers at halftime. #honored
- I'll be eating tons of turkey and stuffing (like unfathomable amounts) on Thursday and I hope you will be too! Happy Thanksgiving Knight fans!
- The next game vs. that school up the street is this Friday at 4 p.m.
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- Looking Ahead - Matt Williams
- Looking Ahead - Tristan Spurlock
- Looking Ahead - Daiquan Walker
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