

Women's Basketball Teams Up With Orlando Children's Church

By Jenna Marina on September 25, 2012 9:35 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
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The UCF women's basketball team took time to act like a kid again when the Knights spent this past Saturday with hundreds of children at a field day at Orlando Children's Church.

Children -- some as young as 5 and some as old as 16 -- were bused in from the Orlando area to participate in games like football, soccer, basketball and a water-balloon toss for four hours Saturday morning. The water-balloon toss quickly turned into a water balloon war.

Rising sophomore Bryeasha Blair represented UCF in the "Dougie Dance-Off" and showed off some sweet moves that earned her the crown as the day's best dancer. 

Check out some photos below of all the fun, and for a full photo gallery, check out our Facebook page. While you are there, make sure you "Like" our page to stay up to date with the team.

Bryeasha Blair 2.JPG
Sarah Green and Kiana Morton.JPG

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