

The Daily - UCF Football Aug. 23

By Brian Ormiston on August 23, 2012 7:09 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks
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ORLANDO, Fla. ( - News and notes on the UCF football team for Thursday, Aug. 23. This will be the final edition of the daily preseason report, but look out for official UCF game notes for the Akron contest to be released this weekend.


-UCF Gameday Central is up and running for the 2012 season. The site includes links for both teams, multimedia information, a live Twitter feed and live GameTracker stats (for all games except Akron). 

UCF Gameday Central

-UCF returns to the practice field Thursday, and will be practicing every day before flying up to Ohio on Aug. 29.

-Marc Daniels hosted new BIG EAST commissioner Mike Aresco on his radio show, The Beat of Sports, on 740-AM on Wednesday. Here's the link to the audio file: 

Click Here

-For GKC members and subscribers who receive UCF's Knights Insider magazine, check your mail in the coming weeks as the first edition of the 2012-13 season is at the printer now. For more information on the Golden Knights Club - 

Click Here

Web Links

-Heading to Akron for the opener? If you will be looking for something to do before the game, here are a few websites to check out before your trip:

-Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


Pro Football Hall of Fame

-Akron Art Museum


West Point Market


Akron Zoo

-And check out  Akron's InfoCision Stadium page

Stat of the Day

-Seven - only seven days left until UCF clashes with the Zips at 7 p.m. on ESPN3.

General Ticket Information

- Buy UCF Football Tickets

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