Catching up with the UCF Varsity Eight: Stephanie Adams

May 23, 2007

UCFAthletics.com continues introducing Knights' fans to the members of the UCF varsity eight that earned the program's first ever bid to the NCAA Championships with sophomore Stephanie Adams. A journalism major, Adams hails from Calgary, Alberta.

When did you begin rowing? What attracted you to the sport?
I began rowing when I was 13 years old. At the time, I was a competitive synchronized swimmer and was looking for a cross-training sport. I was tall sorrowing looked like a fun thing to try.

Why did you decide to attend UCF?
The team was really friendly and the coaching staff was very supportive.

What is your favorite aspect of being a member of the UCF rowing team?
Our team is very cohesive. We're all friends and act as each other's support system. We're a family.

What is the biggest misconception that non-rowers have regarding the sport?
That rowing is easy. It's a full body workout that takes not only physical but mental toughness.

What is your most memorable highlight from the year?
When our boat beat Virginia at their home course. It was the first time we had ever beaten a top 10 team.

How would you describe the American/Canadian dynamic in the boat?
It's friendly competition. The Americans only wish they were as cool as us!

What are you most looking forward to about the NCAA Championship?
Going fast.

If the members of the varsity eight competed on Survivor, who would win and why?
Caitlin Pauls because she's on of the most competitive people I know.

What are your hobbies off the water?
Playing tennis with my mom, dad and little brother and playing with my dog.

What are your plans for the upcoming summer?
I was invited to the Canadian Under-23 Rowing Camp.

Continue to check throughout the week for more conversations with the varsity eight. The 2007 NCAA Women's Rowing Championships take place from Friday, May 25 through Sunday, May 27 in Oak Ridge, Tenn.