Countdown to Opening Day: Five Questions With...

Feb. 16, 2011

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By Brandon Naidus

ORLANDO, Fla. (UCFAthletics.com) - The UCF baseball team is about to start its season and the Knights have 10 newcomers that are anxious to make their debut in Black and Gold. UCF's Opening Day is scheduled for Friday against Siena at 6:30 p.m., and three of those newcomers have made the weekend rotation: Danny Winkler, Matt Collins and Ray Hanson.

UCFAthletics.com caught up with those 10 Knights to ask them some quick questions, allowing fans to get to know the newcomers prior to Opening Day.

Travis Shreve - Jr. - IF - Auburn, Wash.
At what age did you start playing baseball, and what is your best memory?
"I started playing baseball when I was really young. My dad used to play softball and I used to go with him there. That is a really good memory."

Do you excel at any other sports besides baseball?
"I used to be on the varsity basketball team, but I quit when I was a sophomore to play baseball."

Have you always played the same position?
"No, I used to play outfield all of the time. My coach said I would never be a high school infielder. I played right field as a sophomore, then second base, then shortstop, then third base. I played everywhere."

What is one thing people do not know about you?
"I love Harry Potter. I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter actually. That was a big thing when I came down here."

What is your favorite television show?
"I like Dexter. It is really action-packed. And I also like Bones. I like the whole anthropological view, and the criminal justice system working together."

Spencer Haynes - Fr. - IF - Valrico, Fla.
Besides playing baseball, what can you see yourself doing professionally?
"Maybe something like astronomy, something to do with the stars. I want to visit Mars one day, or something like that."

What is the best baseball game you have been a part of?
"It was probably my sophomore year, and that was regional championships. I hit a home run in the bottom of the seventh, and we ended up winning. So it was a pretty good experience."

Have you always played the same position?
"Yeah, actually I played shortstop my whole life, but now I am playing second more. Either way it's middle infield, so it is not too much different."

Do you have any hidden talents?
"I used to play the drums when I was younger. So that was pretty sick, I had a little garage band, but I had to break it up for baseball. I still like to play on the desk every once in a while since the drumset is not there anymore."

What is your dream car?
"I would drive a Nissan 350Z. It has always been the car I wanted since it came out. It reminds me of the future, picturing that thing with no wheels, just flying through the air or something."

Jeff Dally - Fr. - LHP - Hernando, Fla.
As a youth, who was your favorite baseball player?
"Probably Randy Johnson. He's a big lefty and throws hard."

At what age did you start playing baseball, and what is your best memory?
"Five. And my best memory is when I was little I was actually a hitter, and hit a home run for my first time."

What is the best baseball trip you have been on?
"I went to Minnesota a couple of years ago for the Perfect Game Showcase at the Metrodome."

What is your favorite movie?
"Probably Taken, just because it's an action-thriller. That is one of my categories. It's a crazy movie."

If you could visit one place in the world, where would it be?
"Probably Italy because I like my heritage. My grandparents are from Italy."

Ben Lively - RHP - Fr. - Gulf Breeze, Fla.
Growing up, who was your favorite baseball team?
"My favorite team was the Braves, just because it was the closest pro team to my area."

Besides playing baseball, what can you see yourself doing professionally?
"Probably working on a fishing boat."

What is your favorite baseball stadium?
"I would have to say the Braves spring training facility in Orlando."

What type of music do you listen to before a game?
"Rap. Artists like Lil Wayne, Lupe Fiasco, Wiz Khalifa."

What is your dream car?
"Chevy 2500. I just like trucks."

Matt Collins - Jr. - RHP - DeLand, Fla.
Growing up, who was your favorite baseball player?
"Chipper Jones because he grew up in the next town over from me."

At what age did you start playing baseball, and what is your best memory
"I started playing when I was five. And my best memory is winning the third AAU National Championship."

Have you always been a pitcher?
"I used to play shortstop and third base as well as pitch."

If you could use one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
"I would say I am awesome because I am awesome. But goofy since I'm tall, skinny and straggly."

If you could visit any place, where would it be?
"Costa Rica because they got really good fishing and surfing there."

Trevor Berry - Fr. - LHP - Oviedo, Fla.
Growing up, who was your favorite baseball team?
"Chicago Cubs. I am from the Midwest, and I like all of the Chicago teams."

Besides playing baseball, what is something you can see yourself doing professionally?
"I really have not thought of that to tell you the truth. I am not sure. Fireman maybe."

What is the best baseball game you have been to or been a part of?
"The first time I went to Wrigley Field, which was last summer."

What other sports do you enjoy watching?
"Football especially because I played football in high school too."

What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
"Dedicated. I work hard at everything I do to make sure I get the job done."

Ray Hanson - Jr. - LHP - Long Beach, Calif.
Growing up, who was your favorite baseball player?
"Oh geez, I would say my favorite baseball player would be Roger Clemens. I mean just because he was the best and had a great work ethic. It was something I tried to do."

Besides playing baseball, what is something you could see yourself doing professionally?
"I always see myself being around baseball, either scouting or coaching, or even recruiting. But if not baseball I would probably say something in the business world. I could wear a tie and look nice."

Do you excel at any other sport besides baseball?
"Yeah, I played soccer a little bit in high school. But then it kind of came down to it, which would I rather play baseball or soccer? And so far baseball has paid off for me. I think I made the right decision."

What is the best baseball trip you have been on?
"Oh man. My favorite baseball related trip would have to be the time I spent with the Midland Redskins in Ohio. It seemed like everywhere we went was just fun. We just beat everybody and just had a good time when we were doing it."

What is one thing people may not know about you?
"The thing that people may not know about me is that I like to play volleyball."

Danny Winkler - RHP - Jr. - Effingham, Ill.
Growing up, who was your favorite baseball player?
"Ozzie Smith because I was always a Cardinal fan. I always watched him. He was the man."

At what age did you start playing baseball, and what is your best memory?
"Maybe three. My best memory would probably be hitting a home run at the University of Illinois' field with a wood bat. That is probably one of my best memories. It was awesome."

Do you excel at any other sports besides baseball?
"I played basketball for four years in high school. I started my senior year as a shooting forward."

What is the best baseball related trip you have been on?
"I spent the summer in Arizona my freshman year of college, so that probably would have been the best. I worked a lot that summer."

Have you always been a pitcher?
"I was a center fielder in high school. I started in center field and I pitched. I also played right and shortstop my freshman year. Pretty much wherever they needed me in high school I did it."

Erik Hempe - INF - Jr. - Anaheim, Claif.
As a youth, who was your favorite baseball team and why?
"St. Louis Cardinals. My dad is from St. Louis, so I grew up a Cardinals fan."

Besides playing professional baseball, what is something you could see yourself doing as a job?
"I could be a cop if I wasn't a professional baseball player. My grandfather was a cop and I could follow in his footsteps."

What is the best baseball game you have been to or been a part of?
"The best baseball game I have been to was the World Series at Angel Stadium in 2002 when they won it."

What is your favorite stadium?
"I have actually played at Angel Stadium, Dodger Stadium and Safeco Field. I'm going to have to go with Angel Stadium because I lived down the street from there my whole life, and finally got a chance to player there a couple of times."

If you could have any car, what would you drive and why?
"I'd have to go with my truck. I love my 2005 Nissan Titan. I have always had trucks. And I'm going to stick with the trucks."

Ethan Smith - C - Fr. - Lakeland, Fla.
Besides playing professional baseball, what is something you could see yourself doing as a job?
"I want to work in forensics for the FBI. It is going to be a tough road. I have always just been interested in solving crimes; DNA, fingerprints and all that stuff."

At what age did you start playing baseball, and what is your best memory?
"I started playing baseball when I was three years old, so I have been playing a long time. My best memory is in Little League when I actually called a grand slam when I was 12. I told my buddy I was going to go up to bat and hit a grand slam. And I did it on the very first pitch. I was pretty excited about that. Then making the UCF baseball team is a pretty good memory too."

Have you always played the same position?
"No. When I was growing up I used to be a shortstop and a pitcher. I told my coach one day I wanted to catch. He put me in to practice, but I didn't do very well. I decided one game that I was going to go out there and give it another shot, and I shined at it. So, I have been catching ever since."

What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
"Driven because whenever I set a goal, I have to achieve it. If I don't achieve my goals, I am not happy. So I do whatever it takes to get it done."

What is your favorite TV show or movie, and why?
"Jersey Shore, just because it makes me feel so much better about my life. It is not a very good show for kids to look up to, but it's entertaining. So I got to watch that."