- Played in 23 matches this season
- Led the Knights in kills this season with 277
- Served up 21 aces
- Notched double-digit kills in 17 matches this season
- Averaged 3.26 kills per set
- Recorded a career-high 20 kills against Utah (11/18)
- Tallied three double-doubles
- Recorded 34 blocks this season including 19 solo blocks
- Played in 27 matches this season
- 226 total kills
- Recorded a career-high 20 points against Cincinnati (9/21)
- Notched four aces against Wake Forest (9/2)
- Tallied a double-double in her first collegiate match with 10 kills and 11 digs (8/25)
- Recorded 11 matches in double digits for kills
- Graduated from Rampart High School, after attending Manitou Springs High School from ninth through 11th grade
- Earned four varsity letters and four academic letters
- League champion and third place fi nish at state, led Colorado division 5A in kills with 489, 0.326 hitting percentage, 205 digs, 50 aces as senior
- Three-time all-conference fi rst-team, fi rst-team academic all-state, first team all-state senior year
- Played club at Colorado Juniors and fi nished fi fth in open division at USAV nationals in 2022
- Daughter of Justin and Cara
- Two siblings: sister, Gia and brother, Joah
- Dad, Justin played basketball (freshman season) and football at Stanford, played in the NFL and won Super Bowl XXXIII in 1999 with the Denver Broncos
- Marketing major
- Born Sept. 7 in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (dual citizen)