PREVIOUS SCHOOL - Saint Leo University
- Appeared in 11 games with eight starts
- Registered a 5-2 record on the bump with a 3.35 ERA and one save
- Pitched a total of 45.2 innings and struck out 39 batters
- Held opposing offenses to a .237 batting average
- Tallied six strikeouts in 5.0 innings and only allowed two runs versus Valdosta State on Feb. 27
- Registered six strikeouts in 3.0 innings against Wayne State on March 11
- Notched six strikeouts at Florida Tech on March 16
- In 7.0 innings at Florida Southern, he struck out five and allowed three runs on March 29
- Posted four strikeouts versus West Florida in 5.0 innings on May 16
- Attended Robinson High School and competed in baseball under head coach Alex Barron
- Member of the National Honor Society
- Named to the talented top-20 list
- His parents are John and Carrie Sandefer
- He has two siblings, a sister named Kelly and a brother named David
- Majoring in Business Administration
- His hobbies include golfing, fishing, hunting and working out
- His career aspirations are to play professional baseball
- His favorite athlete is Nolan Ryan
- His favorite sports teams are the Tampa Bay Rays, Lightning, and Buccaneers
- The Wrong Doug from Moe's is his favorite food
- He likes to listen to country and rap music