
Q & A: Georgia Blair

UCF Softball infielder Georgia Blair took time to reflect on the past season and answer some questions about what she is up to today and how life is different in the states compared to her native Australia.

In her first season in the Black and Gold in 2020, Blair started all 27 games for the Knights at shortstop, batting .302 and leading the team with six home runs. Blair became the fastest Knight to ever reach six home runs in a season, needing just 15 games to do so.

Check out the full Georgia Blair Q + A below!

How did you get into softball and how old were you?
I was actually first exposed to the game of baseball because both of my brothers played when we were growing up. As I began to get older, I started playing softball at about around the age of 12. 

What is different about life in the United States compared to Australia?
College life is different here in the United States than it is back home. For one, we don't have competitive college athletics in Australia so the fanfare and atmosphere at the university level in the U.S. is awesome! I really enjoy living abroad and experiencing the different culture in the U.S.

What was it like to be a part of the Australian National Team?
I loved being a part of the Aussie team! it was an awesome experience and I was able to learn from and play against some of the best players in the world on an international stage. 

What was your favorite memory from this past season?
My favorite memory from this year has got to be the back-to-back run rule games against No. 12 Tennessee. I think we were electric as a group that weekend and nobody could have beaten us in that form. 

Box Scores
UCF 10 Tennessee 1
UCF 9 Tennessee 1 

What are your expectations for the team in 2021?
I think we are going to pick up right where we left off. I know this group is driven to finish what we started in 2020, so if anything we will be more hungry going into the 2021 season carrying the legacy of Team XIX as we move forward with Team XX. 

What's something that people don't know about UCF Softball but they should?
Our team culture and values are just as important as our skills and performance on the field. That's what made us such a competitive group this year.