UCF - ECU Postgame Quotes

UCF Head Coach Scott Frost
Opening Statement:
"I was really pleased tonight. We didn't play a perfect game, but we've been challenging the guys not to be reading articles about themselves and taking anybody for granted. They responded with a great week of practice and a pretty good performance tonight. We've got quite a few guys that are playing pretty well and it's fun to watch."
On the Homecoming atmosphere:
"I thought it was great. When those cell phones were shining with the lights for the kickoffs, I thought that was really neat. The space game was fun. It's fun to have people back in town for Homecoming. We have some of the old players in town, and it's starting to really feel like a UCF family. I'm glad I'm a part of it."

On preparing for Navy:
"It's going to be a challenge. This is a unique challenge in college football. Like I said on the field, I have so much respect for what Navy does and who they are. Ken (Niumatalolo) does a great job with them. You only have a week to prepare for something that's quite a bit different than what you see the rest of the year, so our defense has a real challenge ahead of them. I expect them to show up Monday and go to work. I challenge our team to have our best week of practice ever."

On Jamiyus Pittman's touchdown:
"I'm just excited for him those D-linemen. I tell you what, I think you'd have a hard time finding anybody in the country that works as hard as them and hits a sled and hit each other as much as those guys do. They've done a great job in that package now, open up holes for our running backs. We've had that set up and watching him catch the ball, I don't think he could have dropped it. It just fell right into his bread basket and the whole sideline erupted, got pretty excited. It was fun to see."
On Noah Vedral's performance:
"He's getting meaningful reps. We know he's capable. I think he was four-for-four tonight and had a couple of nice runs. He's ready to come in and run the offense if and when we need him, and the more reps we can get him the better. He is a good football player."
On the defense:
"I thought the defense played hard and played well. (ECU's) got a good offensive football team and they hit a couple of things on us, but that's going to happen. I know Coach Chinander was disappointed in the one long run. We played one run wrong and then missed a few tackles on one play and that's not characteristic of our defense. Those guys have been tackling really well. So, other than a couple of things, I thought they played exceptionally well."
UCF Sophomore McKenzie Milton
On throwing Jamiyus Pittman's touchdown:
"I actually think it is the second touchdown. We practiced that play the past couple of weeks and I think if I didn't throw it to him, he would have fought me so I had to get it to him."
On preparing for Navy:
"We know it is going to be a tough challenge. They're very well coached with Coach Kenny up there. Their offense is obviously something we haven't faced yet and we know the defense (is) very good as well. It's just another challenge in our way. Any game in this conference is tough, so we can't overlook any."
On Noah Vedral's first touchdown:
"It was awesome. Noah's a heck of a player. He's a tremendous competitor and I'm stoked to see him get his first TD."
UCF Junior Mike Hughes
On special teams:
"It's definitely something I'm thinking about. Special teams is a game changer. A lot of people don't realize it, but it can change the game around. That's what I want to do so I like being back."
On taking it game by game:
"Every game is important. Each week we say 1-0 and that's been our motto. I think we've been doing a good job of that so every week is important."
UCF Junior Wyatt Miller
On preparing for Navy:
"Very important for us and the defense - it's a big game for us. I feel like what has gotten us to this point this season is because we're prepared unlike any other team and we've had a better week of practice every week. We've gotten better every week as far as our best Thursday practice. I think that's what is kind of giving us that momentum throughout the week. We just keep going, keep getting better and we're going to be okay."
On Jamiyus Pittman's touchdown:
"I was thinking Coach Frost would get me in the end zone sometime soon but I'm just waiting patiently. I told him he'd better enjoy it while it lasts. It's awesome. Jamiyus is one of my best friends on the team. To see him score, it's about like me scoring. I was pretty excited about that."
UCF Senior Jamiyus Pittman
On his touchdown:
"I knew it from the jump. I was going to have a pass in. I was just blocking hard for the running back until it was my turn. (I thought) we're really calling this in a game? It was slow motion. Thank God for McKenzie; he threw it perfect. I think if he threw it any other way, I probably would've dropped it."
On if it was his first touchdown:
"(It was my first) ever. In high school, I caught an interception that I took to like the (three-yard line)."