
Power of Positivity

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ORLANDO, Fla. ( – Most children grow up playing follow the leader. Phil Hicks took it a step further by following in his father's footsteps.
"Choosing to major in accounting was influenced by my dad," Hicks said. "He's an accountant and really enjoys his job. I see it as, if I can get an accounting degree, then I have unlimited possibilities in the business field.

"I credit my dad for showing me that my attitude is one of the few things we have control over in life. He's taught me to always approach everything with a positive attitude."
Family ties also led Hicks to soccer. When his older brother learned to play, the New Orleans, La., native wasn't far behind, officially starting the sport at age five. Hicks thought he would be able to walk away from the game, but halfway through his first semester at LSU, something was missing.

"I realized that if I didn't give playing collegiate soccer a shot, and didn't push myself to that higher level, then I would regret it for the rest of my life," Hicks said. 

Taking advantage of the opportunity to suit up for UCF, Hicks has changed his role, becoming more of a leader both on and off the field. Even a season-ending knee injury in 2015, his second in the last three years, couldn't dampen his happy-go-lucky attitude.

"After finding out that my season was over, I tried to contribute in really the only way possible, which was being positive and supportive to my teammates," Hicks said. "My motto during my recovery was 'better every day,' because really all you can do is take it day-by-day."
Even when talking about his injury, Hicks is quick to thank everyone around him.
"I have to credit my teammates, coaches, family, and our trainer, Adam," Hicks said. "It's easy to say you want to stay positive, but when it comes down to something like this, it is impossible to do it alone."
His maturity and demeanor haven't gone unnoticed.
"We always preach to our guys to not get down on themselves," head coach Bryan Cunningham said. "After two surgeries, it would be easy for Phil to get down on himself, but he never does. He's dependable. He's a great person for the team to look up to. He is the type of person that I would want my children to grow up to be."
Academically, the redshirt junior has been outstanding. Since arriving at UCF in the fall of 2013, Hicks has earned Dean's List honors every semester. He has been on the American Athletic Conference all-academic team following each season. He'll graduate with a degree in accounting, one of the most difficult majors, in just three and a half years.
In addition to his teammates and coaches, Hicks' hard work has also been observed by support staff, teachers, and everyone that interacts with him. He was the male recipient of the Dr. Richard Lapchick Award, which measures both athletic and academic achievements, along with community service, at the 2016 Swords Awards last May.
"It meant a lot," Hicks said. "I was pretty surprised when I won. You don't think that you're going to win it until you're up there and you see how other people see you. I was just doing my thing, and it was an honor to win such an award."
Hicks was humbled to be recognized for something that comes as second nature. As he prepares for the fall semester and soccer season, one thing is certain. Phil Hicks will enter whatever task lies ahead with a positive attitude.