UCF-Davidson Postgame Quotes

Nov. 26, 2014

UCF Head Coach Donnie Jones

"Davidson played very well tonight. They were shooting very well tonight. A team shooting the basketball that well makes it hard sometimes. We tried to make some adjustments, but I don’t want to take anything away from them for that. We are a little but of a depleted team here. B.J. [Taylor] got hurt so that made a mark in the first half, but we pushed through it. We were depleted early on. I wanted to play zone but the way they were shooting the basketball made it very difficult to do that. They had their night tonight and did very well. Bob [McKillop] is a great coach and has had a lot of success being their 26 years. He does it in a very good way and that’s why we scheduled them. We knew they would be a very good test for our basketball team early on and I give them credit for the victory."

"They had us all spread out because they had five guys that could shoot it. When they have guys out there hitting 15 footers you try to play differently. They had a lot of guys who got into a rhythm, which opened it up to the point guard and from there it was one on one. [Gibbs] had it going and we tried some different things on him. It hurt Brandon when he got two fouls in the first 15 minutes of the first half and that was the only experienced guard out there. From a match-up standpoint it was a tough match-up. We don’t play a lot of teams like that in our league. We have learned the importance of stretching and guarding in a different way. But I still like this team. We didn’t play as well as we can tonight and I know this team is better than how we played tonight. We will bounce back, that’s for sure."

"We had difficulty getting the ball down low because they were doubling in the post. That's way different for [Staphon]. No matter how much we do it in practice it's always going to be a little different when dealing with it in the game. So that was the first time he had experienced some doubling and he’s not a great passer so he has to learn how to handle that a little better. We had a lot of plays tonight that we need to learn from and get better with, and that will be one of them. We still have to continue to get it inside. It was a hard game to play Justin [McBride] just as a match-up standpoint. The five man was on the perimeter more than he was on the inside so it was a hard match-up. It's not that he did anything wrong. His time will come with the right teams and he just has to continue to stay positive and the rest will come with work."

Davidson Head Coach Bob McKillop

"In defense of UCF losing their point guard in the first half I think that was unfortunate. But for us to come in here for a game in this conference and to win on the road as significantly as we did, it's a terrific statement about the guys on this team."

"Tyler found a rhythm and was playing with great toughness in terms of making great decisions. When he took that baseline step back right at the shot clock, that was as deep as a dagger can be. It was outstanding and I thought we did a tag team on the frontcourt. [Aldridge] did have some foul trouble but the tag team work was off the charts."

"I think we winded them and got them tired. Jack [Gibbs] was challenged to push the ball. We wanted to keep a fresh guard in. And I think we did a good job with that because they kept pushing."