Block Party Blog: Angelica Crump

Nov. 9, 2011

By Angelica Crump

We had a fast turnaround from the past weekend as we left on Wednesday and played on Thursday and Friday instead of the usual Friday, Sunday games. We definitely had to have a higher level of focus in practice since we only had a few days to prepare for the upcoming matches against Memphis. Although Memphis had lost a few previous matches, we knew they would provide some good competition. After practicing for two days Wednesday came and off we went to the Music State.

Memphis was a definite change of scenery and atmosphere from the hot Orlando weather we're used to. Cold air was there to greet us as we arrived to our hotel to prepare for practice. Those grey sweats came in handy! We had two vans and somehow I got stuck with the van with country music. Out came the earphones and my iPod (: Practice went well as we became accustomed to the gym doing our usual routines. Logan's Steakhouse was on the schedule after we finished at the gym and we were excited. We like steak!

Game time finally approached on Thursday and we showed we were prepared as we won 3 sets to 1. Memphis gave us a fight, but we were able to come out on top. It was not like our normal routine to have a game back-to-back, but we had to overlook that element and remain focused for the next day's big event. Friday came and we once again saw our opponent across the net both anticipating the start of the next battle. The games were hard fought, but that day Memphis succeeded in winning 3 sets to our 1, as we had done the night before. Their offense was ready to play. This is only a test to see how we can come on top and rise to the challenge. This only gets us more prepared for our next game. Marshall, here we come! Let's gooooo!!