Full Court Press: Women's Basketball Q&A

Oct. 3, 2011

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By Jenna Marina

With the first official day of practice just around the corner, members of the women's basketball team are taking a break from their busy schedules to provide a glimpse into their lives. In this Q&A installment, junior guard Gevenia Carter discusses what animal scares her, her favorite meal and her goal for this season.

You are originally from Texas - a state synomous with football - and your father played for the Houston Texans in their inaugural season. How big is football in your household?
"It actually wasn't that big. Of course we love football, my whole family. I know about it and watch it, but I'm not too big of a fan. As far as basketball, everyone loves it because I play it."

You come from a big family with five brothers and sisters. What's it like at dinnertime?
"We all communicate, sit around the TV and laugh. There's always enough food."

What is your favorite meal?
"My grandma on my dad's side, she always cooks. So it would be meatloaf, cabbage, candied yams, rice, and black eyed peas. And cornbread of course."

You just had a birthday. What did you do to celebrate your 21st?
"Nothing really. I was in my bed all day. I got an Xbox for my birthday. I have three games: NBA Jam, NBA Live 2011 and Fight Night Championship."

What is your favorite spot on campus?
"The reflection pond. I always go there to relax and get my mind right."

What are you most afraid of?
"I don't like animals. I'm terribly afraid of reptiles."

What is your goal for this season?
"My goal of the season is just to be the best player that I can be. Make myself better every day in practice. That's where it starts. All the coaches stress that practice makes perfect. Practice is what makes us play in the game. I experienced that first hand last year as far as my week of practices before we played Houston and that was my best game of my career here at UCF. Just being the best practice player and the best teammate I can be to my teammates on and off the court."

The reigning Conference USA championship women's basketball team is slated to play 18 home games, tipping off with Florida A&M on Nov. 18. UCF will also welcome Hartford, Florida Gulf Coast, Virginia Tech and Florida State just before the New Year. Fans can ensure that they don't miss a minute of play by purchasing their season tickets today by calling (407) UCF-1000 or by visiting UCFAthletics.com.