Full Court Press: Women's Basketball Q&A

Oct. 18, 2011

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By Jenna Marina

With UCF's home exhibition game against Lynn on Nov. 6 just weeks away, members of the women's basketball team are taking a break from their busy schedules to provide a glimpse into their lives. In this Q&A installment, freshman guard Andrea Hines talks about a certain famous boxer from Philly and using her lacrosse skills on the basketball court.

You grew up in Philadelphia and attended high school in Delaware. What made you come all the way to Orlando from up north?
I wanted to try something new, come down south and see how it is. I love Orlando so far. The people are very nice.

What drew you to UCF?
The coaches and the academics. I'm a health science major and I eventually want to become a nurse.

Have you ever run up the famous Rocky steps? And what do you think of the movie?

We had a field trip there when I was going to school in Pennsylvania. We got a chance to walk up the steps and see the statue. His work ethic shows Philly. We work hard.

How would you describe your game?
Quick, explosive and I like getting to the rack.

Do you know any foreign languages?
I can speak French a little. I have a friend from France so I try to pick up on it from her. I can understand it better than I can speak it. She was a foreign exchange student at my school in Delaware. She's like my best friend now.

You played lacrosse for a year in high school. Why did you decide to join the team?
My junior of high school I tried out and made varsity. I had never played before. It's basically like basketball except you have a stick, and you cradle the ball instead of dribble it. I'm quick so that's why I chose to play. They put me on D-wing, which is right by the goalie. Basically, I would play defense and when we'd steal the ball, they would throw it to me, I would just run it all the way down to the offense, pass it off and then come back to defense. I was like the coordinator.

Can you use any of your lacrosse moves on the court?
Footwork. In lacrosse, you use a lot of jab steps and sliding.