UCF-UAB Postgame Quotes

Nov. 29, 2008

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VS. UAB - NOVEMBER 29, 2008

Final Score: UAB 15, UCF 0

UCF Head Coach George O'Leary
Opening Statement
"For the last game for the seniors, it obviously wasn't pretty. I don't know what phase of the game we did well. We just didn't make things happen when we had the opportunity. I thought defensively it was probably our worst outing of the year as far as tackling was concerned. Offensively there was no consistency in the play."

On the play of UAB quarterback Joe Webb
"He didn't do anything except we missed tackles basically. They didn't do anything different then what we practiced for. There were too many missed tackles for big-play yardage and too much hidden-yardage after the tackle. We picked the wrong team not to tackle well because I thought they made too many plays for extra yardage for first downs that I thought were critical."

On the overall play of the offense
"We were just not consistent enough. You have to throw the ball accurately and consistently. It is a 50-50 game. We just fell behind and you can't continue to do that. You have to be able to put the ball in the air and make some plays."

On the senior class
"They have been very good to the program. They have had a lot of great moments here at UCF for them and the fan base. I feel for them going out this way. I talked all week about letting the seniors go out with a good taste after the last game. Obviously we didn't get it done. "

On the role of the seniors this year
"I don't think they were part of the problem. I don't know if they were part of the solution either. The problem was youth. We never got as good as we should of in some positions. Again, you have to be able to make plays at this level, and we didn't make anything happen."

On if the loss to UAB wipes out the two road victories collected at Marshall and Memphis
"In my mind it does because I saw some consistency and we had a good week of practice. I think we played as bad as we could play. I am not taking anything away from UAB."

UCF Player Quotes
Senior DB Joe Burnett

On not being able to win on Senior Day
"I am disappointed. It's a very tough loss. It was my last college football game and we just couldn't get the job done. I actually had a lot of family and friends here today who were hoping to see us come away with a victory in my last game and again we just couldn't get the job done."

What are you able to take away from this season?
"No matter what happened as a team we stayed together. It was a long season for us with many missed opportunities. Through all that I am able to take away the friendships. There are many guys out on that field that I have a lot of fun with and I can call up any time and they would be there for me."

Senior DB Jason Venson
On his last home game
"(I'm) very disappointed. UAB came in here and played a great game. They had a good game plan that they executed very well. Anytime you play in front of your home crowd you want to go out there and get a win. This time it's your final chance to do that and we just couldn't do it today. Now all we can do is look towards the future and see what happens."

Redshirt Sophomore WR Brian Watters
On the inabilities of the passing game
"Mainly I think the timing between the quarterbacks making reads and the wide receivers getting open has been off. If you don't have coordination between your quarterbacks and receivers then you are going to have trouble in the passing game."

How much do you think you have grown this season?
"I still have a lot of growing to do. I had many drop balls this season and there is no excuse for that. I improved in getting open and trying to make key plays for the team when they needed it. The team is expecting me to go out there and make plays and do big things; I need to start doing it."

Redshirt Freshman QB Joe Weatherford
On the loss today
"(I'm) just disappointed. We were trying to go out there and win it for the seniors. Everyone went out there and gave great effort and we just couldn't come away with a win."

On why the offense couldn't get rolling
"The whole year we have been inconsistent and that is something that we have been trying to fix all year. That is something that in the off-season that we are going to have to work hard on as both individuals and as a team."

On the offensive unit in general
"We are a young team. We have a lot of great players with a lot of confidence and we are going to eventually be a great team. It is just going to take a lot of hard work again both as individuals and as a team in the offseason."

UAB Postgame Quotes
Head Coach Neil Callaway

On getting the victory
"We are very happy to get this final win of the season. I am tremendously proud and thought that they played extremely hard in competing and staying focused. We needed to just win a ball game. Obviously, we wanted to win one for the seniors and build some momentum for next year. Bottom line, every time we play we need to play to win. I am very proud of the effort and focus of the team."

On defensive effort
"It was big. I had no idea that we would shut them out. Obviously, I have to see the film to give a good opinion. Everybody must have played well. We gave up some throws, but that is going to happen. I am tremendously proud of our defensive football on how far they have come from the beginning of the year when we could not stop anybody."

On the progression of the team
"We have played a lot of freshman. They have grown up. We have gained some confidence as we have gone on. They are just playing aggressive and doing things that they need to do."

On posting a shutout
"It was huge to stop the drive at the end because I did not want them to have to kick an onside kick. We just wanted to win. A win is a win, but to shut them out that is even better. The turnover at the end and not letting them score, I think was huge."

On moving the ball on offense
"We had to control the clock. I thought that we moved the ball well. We did not score a touchdown, but we did get the win."

Sophomore Linebacker Keon Harris
On the defensive effort
"On defense, you have to have instincts and know your responsibility. When you start playing tight, you can't think right. I always try to play loose and have the confidence that we can win. We have to have the confidence that we can win every game. If we can do that, then we could become an even better football team."

On the learning process through the season
"We have worked on correcting the little things in practice. Back then, it was small things like getting off the field on third downs and people not filling the right gaps. We continued to work. Every week, we may have lost a close tight game, but we went out there and worked again."

On the importance of a road win
"First of all, we won another away game. The momentum for the team is great. It is just really good for the program. With this, we can see where we have to work from."

Senior Kicker Swayze Waters
On the punt coverage
"Our coverage teams played great all day. Number 19 [Joe Burnett] is a great returner. We trusted our coverage teams and kicked the ball on the ground. I think that he went away with no yards on punts. It was a really good game plan. Our guys just really covered well today and kept them backed up. Our defense played great because they couldn't move the ball on us."