Lacing Up the Cleats With...Heather Dooley and Stephanie Gagnon

Sept. 24, 2008

The third selection of UCFAthletics.com's weekly series on the UCF women's soccer team features freshmen Heather Dooley (Pembroke Pines, Fla.) and Stephanie Gagnon (Longwood, Fla.).

For a look back at previous editions, check out Lacing Up the Cleats With...

Heather Dooley - Fr. - F/M - Pembroke Pines, Fla./American Heritage
What drew you to UCF when deciding where to attend college?
One of the main reasons why I chose UCF over any other school when deciding where I wanted to attend college was because of the beautiful, brand new campus. When I took my visit in the summer I was just amazed with how nice the actual campus was. I was impressed and knew at that point that I could actually see myself not only playing soccer here, but also living here.

How does it feel to be a member of this soccer program, which is historically one of the most successful teams on campus?
Being a part of the UCF soccer program is a great honor. We have such an amazing coaching staff and an amazing bunch of girls on the team. Honestly, how many people do you know can say they have Michelle Akers as their assistant coach? We can! The UCF soccer program has a history of being known around the country, and both the men and women continue to improve.

Describe your favorite soccer moment.
In high school during my sophomore year, my team had a winning season along with winning states and being ranked number one in the nation. It was such a great feeling to be on the field and experiencing it all first hand.

Describe your favorite personal experience.
It would have to be being chosen as the cover story for Rise Magazine for high school sports and being on the actual cover of it my senior year.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
In 10 years I would love to see myself coaching for a top university, or if that doesn't work out, definitely owning a business while making a lot of money of course.

Where do you see yourself living in 10 years?
In 10 years I see myself still living in Florida. I'm a true Florida girl who loves the South along with the heat and couldn't see myself living anywhere other than here.

What game show would you rather be a contestant on and why?
I would be on Wheel of Fortune only because it requires no form of thinking while making some money out of it.

If you worked for CNN, would you be at the anchor desk, out in the field, a cameraman, a weatherman, a sportscaster or sitting in a cubicle all day away from the studio.
I would definitely be out in the field experiencing everything first hand while meeting all the professionals.

You have $1000 to spend at Best Buy. What do you get?
I would buy a serious system for my car or probably a couple TVs to put in my dash board or in the head rests. If not any of those two, then definitely a bunch of CDs and DVDs.

You have $50 to spend at Publix to stock up the kitchen. What do you get?
I would buy some Ketchup and peanut butter.

You're going to play a pick-up soccer game tomorrow and you can pick anybody who has ever lived to play with you, even if they never played soccer before. Who are those people?
I would pick my dad and Rooney to play with me. My dad because back in his time he was an amazing soccer player in England and played semi-pro, so I would love to get the chance to play with him, and I would choose Rooney because I think he is up there as one of the best soccer players in my opinion.

Stephanie Gagnon - Fr. - GK - Longwood, Fla./Orangewood Christian
What drew you to UCF?
It's close to home and the campus is amazing. I really like having Big D (Donna Fishter) as the goalkeeper coach because she really knows her stuff and I know I'm in good hands here.

Describe your favorite soccer moment.
Making it to the state final four the first time in my school's history my sophomore year of high school. We didn't win the final but it was an amazing experience with an awesome team.

List your top three places you have ever been to.
Moab, Utah - White water rafting with no electricity, no bathroom, and no problem!
Belgium - One word... chocolate.
France - I love the language and the culture.

List your top three places you want to go to.
Zimbabwe - Volunteer at a lion rehabilitation park
Australia - Visit the Australia Zoo
Canada - See my Grandma :-D

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
I would love to be working with big cats in Africa.

What game show would you rather be a contestant on and why?
Legends of the Hidden Temple! SWEET!

If you worked for CNN, would you be at the anchor desk, out in the field, a cameraman, a weatherman, a sportscaster or sitting in a cubicle all day away from the studio.
I want to be the one barely hanging on to a light post in a hurricane and still reporting the weather.

Reflect on elementary school. Is there a project you had that you will always remember, like a field trip or cutting open a frog?
The main thing that sticks out to me from elementary school was a play we did in fifth grade for our families... I was a rat.

You have $1000 to spend at Best Buy. What do you get?
I would probably lose the money before I got there...

You have $50 to spend at Publix to stock up the kitchen. What do you get?
Reese's cups and peanut M&MS! Oh... I mean fruits and vegetables of course...

You're going to play a 2-on-2 pick-up soccer game tomorrow and you can pick anybody who has ever lived to play with you, even if they never played soccer before. Who are those three people?
Zidane, he's amazing. My older brother, Phillip, he loves the game and he's a great player. And George Michael. I wonder if he can kick a ball as good as he can belt a tune.