UCF-South Carolina State Postgame Quotes

Aug. 30, 2008

Recap | Final Stats | Notes

UCF Head Coach George O'Leary

Opening statement
"Obviously the first game is never as good or as bad as you want. Defensively, I thought they played very well. They tackled well for it being the first game. I do think that they made plays when they had the opportunity to make them. We need to improve on some pass rush. Offensively, we need to punch it in when we get down into the red zone. Michael Greco played the whole game, and I think some plays were good, and some you would like to have back. I do think you can see why he is out there, because he can do things with the ball in his hand that gives defenses troubles. Give South Carolina State credit because they are a good football team that is supposed to win their conference. I did get done what I wanted to by getting the running backs in there and seeing how they played with the lights on. The return game by Joe Burnett was great. He had good protection and had some good blocks. I was disappointed in some of the kicks. We are playing a lot of young players and they just need some more playing time. There are only so many sunrises to sunsets, and they will get better by the more they play.

On the running game
"I wasn't pleased with the way that the running backs ran. I thought there were too many times that they running backs ran with their shoulders facing the wrong way. They need to learn to cut on the move, and not stop. I think once they see the film they can see what they need to improve on. I was pleased for how they played with it being the first time under the gun. They showed me what I saw in preseason, and that is the ability to play at this level.

On Michael Greco
"There was no question that he held the ball too long. I thought he was late making decisions, and had some open receivers. One thing he did do, was take off running and was able to get some yards that way, but that will not happen against a good football team. He has to make quicker decisions and have confidence in his throwing ability. He needs to throw the ball on time, and to the right spot. He needs to throw it to an area, and trust the receivers to be there."

On stopping the S.C. State offense
"They have a very good offense in their league. Defensively we didn't have too many sacks, but we were sound on tackling and limiting what their offense wanted to do. I think they gave the offense the ball in too good of field position, and that is why offensively you would like to see them come away with points when you are on their side of the field."

Senior Safety Jason Venson

Onn how the defense performed
"We missed too many tackles and assignments that can't be overlooked. We will look at the film tomorrow, correct our mistakes and move on from there. It was also nice to be able to hit another team for the first time this season. It was fun, and we just need to clean up some mistakes."