UCF Football Summer Update - Jason Venson

July 4, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. (www.ucfathletics.com) - Four seniors - Jason Venson, Johnell Neal, Joe Burnett and Sha'reff Rashad - highlight a UCF secondary that is the most experienced in the nation. The group is looking forward to the season and are showing their leadership on the defensive side of the ball during summer workouts. Venson recently visited with the UCF athletics communications staff to discuss his responsibilities on the team prior to the start of the season.

Last fall, Venson had a productive season with 92 total tackles and two interceptions, helping the Knights to the Conference USA Championship title.

You graduated in May, so what did you do during the couple of weeks before the summer semester started?
"I went to Mexico for a graduation trip to Cabo San Lucas. I had fun in Mexico for a week. I went with some friends and had a little fun. It was a nice time."

During the summer, what are the highlights of a typical day?
"Weights are from 1-3, then sitting in the room doing nothing. It is pretty boring. I have a Tuesday class, coaching football and sports preparations. I like to watch TV. I just got a Wii, so I have been playing the Wii a little bit. I am trying to have fun that way."

The team has been working hard in the weight room for about a month now. How have the workouts gone and what has the senior class done to show leadership?
"It is going well. We get in there and get into it everyday. As a senior class, we try to show leadership not only by voicing what we should be doing, but also acting in the way we should be doing. We try to get out there everyday and I think that we do a pretty good job."

What are the expectations of the senior class and how are those expectations going to be enforced when the season begins?
"This season is all about repeating: repeating as champions. That is our main focus right now. We lost our main offensive weapons in Kevin (Smith) and Kyle (Israel). We are not going to let that get to us because we have a solid defense coming back. We have to lead. I think especially in the first couple of games which will allow for the offense to get moving. Then as the season goes on, the offense is going to come around and do their thing. Defensively, we have to be consistent. I think that is the main thing this year. We have to not only instill that into our young guys, but even ourselves. Consistency is something that we really need to work on this year. I think that we have done a pretty good job so far this summer."

This is your first spring with coach Gary Blackney. How has he been motivating the secondary and preparing them for the season?
"I think coach Blackney has a unique style to work with us. I really think that it is very good because he works with us on an individual basis, but somehow puts it together as a group. He does not single anybody out and he is very positive. You do not hear very many negative things that come out of his mouth. He is coaching us. I do not think that we need anybody coming in and changing what we have been doing. He wants us to play the way that he knows we can play. I think that is beneficial to us."

What career goal would you want to try and obtain once you are done with football?
"I want to be a sports commentator like Deion Sanders and Michael Irvin, guys like that. One day, I might have my own show kind of like Jim Rome is Burning."

How are you working towards achieving your career goal in becoming a sports commentator?
"I have not been able to do anything yet. I was trying to get an internship with ESPN this summer, but my schedule conflicted, so I was unable to do it. Right now, I am just focusing on football stuff and maybe after this season, I will be able to intern with somebody to gain some experience."

What are some facts that the fans may not know about you?
"Something that a lot of people do not know about me, except my teammates is that my favorite style of music is country music. Tim McGraw is my favorite artist. My favorite television show is Friends. I have all 10 seasons on DVD and the "Best Of" episodes. I can watch all the episodes at any time. I drive a 2000 Ford Crown Victoria, it is not the best of cars, but it gets me from A to B. If I have to go anywhere over an hour, then I probably won't drive it."

What is your favorite sport besides football?
"The sport that I am pretty good at other then football is basketball. The sport that I love to play, but I am not so great at is tennis. I can't seem to hit it hard enough so the ball goes over the net. When I do hit it hard enough, then it goes over the fence. Tennis is something that I really want to learn. Golf is something else that I would really like to learn how to play. I really like watching golf. I was pretty much at each home tennis match that I could attend this year and I am supposed to get with the tennis coach sometime this summer. He said that he was going to give me some tips. So, I have to get over there and get with him."

Venson and the Knights open the 2008 campaign on Aug. 30, hosting South Carolina State at Bright House Networks Stadium. UCF went 10-4 last season, claimed the C-USA Championship and participated in the AutoZone Liberty Bowl.

Season tickets are currently available. To order season tickets, or to learn more about attending games at Bright House Networks Stadium, call 407-UCF-1000. The Knights are scheduled to play six home contests this year.

For the latest news and information on the Knights, tickets or apparel, log on to www.ucfathletics.com - the official site for UCF varsity sports. Also visit www.ucfphotos.com, the exclusive fan source for UCF action sports pictures.