Holding Court with Angelica Mealing

Oct. 23, 2007

Leading up to the UCF women's basketball season opener against Texas Tech on Nov. 9, UCFAthletics.com will introduce fans to the Knights in a series of feature interviews. The series continues in a conversation with Angelica Mealing. The freshman guard talks about her teammates, her decision to attend UCF and her plans for the future.

What does the team's motto "Prepare and Compete" mean to you?
It means a lot. You can't go out and expect to compete without preparing first. You have to work hard to get where you want to be. That's what we are doing.

How has this team started to come together?
People talk about how we have so many freshmen on the team, but class doesn't matter. I don't think anyone in our conference is working as hard as we are. I've seen a big difference from when we first got here in June until now. We're really coming together.

What are you looking forward to most this season?
I'm looking forward to the first game because it's my first collegiate game, against a big team. That's always exciting.

UCF head coach Joi Williams and the rest of the staff have already begun to involve the team in community service. What charity or social cause would you like to help?
I love working with kids so if we could maybe help out orphans around Christmas, giving out presents or something like that.

What is the best part of being on this UCF women's basketball team?
I would say being around my teammates. Everyone is so cool. We're always laughing at something. I think have bonded well.

There are eight Georgia natives on this basketball team. What is it about the state of Georgia that breeds good basketball players?
That's where the talents at, of course. (laughs) There is a lot of talent everywhere, but I guess Georgia is just where it's at right now.

You signed with UCF during the early period and opted to keep the commitment after the coaching staff changed. What influenced your decision to come to UCF?
I had thought about transferring to a new school, but once I found out who the new coaches were, I decided to still attend UCF. They had been recruiting me at Murray State, but they came late in the process. Once I found out that Coach Williams and her assistants were going to be at UCF, it just felt right. It felt like God had placed them there to be my coaches.

What is the best part of having so many freshmen on this team?
We are all going to learn and grow together. By the time we become seniors, it's going to be crazy.

What were your feelings heading into the first official practice?
I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone always says it's more fast-paced and all that. I wouldn't say that I was nervous, but I was anxious just to see what is was like to be at a college practice.

What are you looking to pursue as a career?
I want to get a degree in business. I am majoring in business right now and thinking of minoring in legal studies because I want to become a sports agent. If I don't get the chance to play professionally, I want to still be connected with sports in some way.

Season tickets are available for the women's basketball team's debut season at the new UCF Arena and can be purchased by calling 407-UCF-1000 or by surfing to UCFAthletics.com.

For the latest news and information on the Knights, tickets or apparel log on to www.ucfathletics.com - the official site for UCF varsity sports. Also check out UCFPhotos.com, the exclusive fan source for UCF action sports pics.