Holding Court with Amber Long

Oct. 16, 2007

Leading up to the UCF women's basketball season opener against Texas Tech on Nov. 9, UCFAtheltics.com will introduce fans to the Knights in a series of feature interviews. Up first is senior guard Amber Long. The native of Irmo, S.C. talks about her role on the team, some of her interests off the court and her plans after graduation.

What does the team's motto "Prepare and Compete" mean to you?
Basically, it's a brand new season and everyone has new players as well as players returning. We all have a court. We all have a basketball. It's what you do with those tools that wins championships.

[UCF Head]Coach [Joi] Williams has emphasized that a lot. So we prepare every single day. Even when we are at home, we study our plays. We get together over the weekend to go over them. We have to prepare to the best of our ability, so that we can have a winning season.

How has the team started to come together?
The camaraderie is there. There were a lot of new additions throughout the summer and into the fall semester. These girls are great. They're like my sisters. Everyone has some of the same personalities and we all have the same goal - that's to win a championship.

What are you looking forward to most this season?
Winning my first championship. This is my senior year and I am really looking to all these freshmen to help me out.

Coach Williams and the rest of the staff have already begun to involve the team in community service. What charity or social cause would you like to help?
The past couple of years we have helped out the Marines with their Toys for Tots program. Stacking the toys up and jumping into a pile of stuffed animals, Jackie [Akers] and I always have a ball with that. It's a tradition that I know that the team will continue.

Being the only senior, what do you see as your role on the team this year?
I think my role is to share my experience to the younger players. I've been playing college basketball for five years now, so they already come to me when they have certain problems in their lives.

During the season, I have to let them know that we aren't going to be the only team that might be struggling or tired. We just have to keep our mind focused and do what we have to do. The team that wants it the most is going to win that championship.

You have said that becoming ordained as a deacon in your church is your highest accomplishment outside of sports. Talk about that experience.
I was around 14 when I was ordained. It was something that my parents helped me with because I didn't really know what it meant at the time.

I am extremely spiritual and I pray several times a day. I try to impart that to the girls on this team because it means a lot to me.

You have a fascination with history and at times, have talked about your interest in the era of the pirates. Where does that come from and is it something you have always been interested in?
In elementary school I was exposed to different kind of things. At that time, I wanted to be an archeologist then an architect. It's amazing when you realize that you can step out of your world just by reading a book.

The whole history of pirates always amazed me. At first, it seems more like a fantasy but when you get older, you find out that it was true.

What are you looking to do after graduation?
I've always wanted to be the army. When I graduated from high school, I had thought about play at the naval academy. Even though I actually only have one uncle that has been in the military, I feel like it something that is in my blood.

I want to go into the army as an officer for eight years and be a part of the military police or intelligence service. When I come back, I'd like to work for the FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement).

Season tickets are available for the women's basketball team's debut season at the new UCF Arena and can be purchased by calling 407-UCF-1000 or by surfing to UCFAthletics.com.

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