UCF-Memphis Postgame Quotes

Sept. 22, 2007

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George O'Leary Opening Statement:

"Good game, good effort game. Good productive game. We had an opportunity to play a lot of players and we did that. Obviously I am not pleased with the turnovers by the second team. Great win as far as first conference game. We just continue to grow from this, get corrections made and move from there. Anytime you can play a lot of people, it helps morale and it's great for your program. I got an opportunity to play both quarterbacks today and they both did a good job when they had the reigns."

"Overall, I saw some good running by the backs. I thought Phillip (Smith) went out there and did a great job. I thought both quarterbacks were productive when they were out there given the opportunity. I thought it was a good win. I think the kids took last week's game and moved on to the next game and that was Memphis. They attacked this game."

#91 DE Leger Douzable
"Our offense and defense were both clicking. They [offense] would go out there and score on almost every possession and we were able to get a three and out every possession. That was one of the best first halves I have seen in UCF history. With the team that we have, I think we can do that every week."