Spring Football: Day Ten's Quick Question

April 4, 2007

Orlando, Fla. (www.ucfathletics.com) - Following each spring football practice, a general question will be asked of a selected group of Golden Knights. Today's question was asked to some offensive players:

How would you rate the defense's performance this spring?

Dominic Ignelzi
#69 Senior Offensive Line

"I would rate them a 10. They are totally different from last year. The new coaches are high energy they love interacting with the players when they make good plays they come running up and give them chest bumps. Even if they do something wrong if they go at it full speed they let them know they have done a good job. I think that's what players need to get better and work hard."

Corey Rabazinski
#84 Sophomore Tight End

"The defense is definitely more up-beat than they were in the fall. All the coaches are getting into it, chest bumping. There is probably a 100 percent increase from last year. I think it helps us compete, especially in team drills it makes us want to get up and play and compete against them. I think it makes practice more intense and make us want to get better."

Phillip Smith
#30 Sophomore Tailback

"They are a whole lot better. It is a lot different from last year. I can tell since the new coaches have come in here they have made a big impact on the defense. They are a lot better. They make us get better everyday. If they play hard then we play hard."

L.J. Anderson
#63 Junior Offensive Guard

"I feel like the defense has more confidence (than last year). A lot of that comes from the leadership from the coaches. They came in and won over the players hearts. When you have a players heart they will put there head in the dirt and go again and again. Their enthusiasm level rose tremendously just from the communication that they have with their coaches. I just see a new defense and a lot more pop to them going to the ball."

Willie Thornton
#12 Junior Wide Receiver

"The defense has definitely showed more intensity. The new coaches bring a new life into them. They make me play harder, as they pick up their intensity I have to bring up mine a notch so it's makes the whole team better."