Spring Football: Day Thirteen's Quick Question

April 10, 2007

Orlando, Fla. (www.ucfathletics.com) - Following each spring football practice, a general question will be asked of a selected group of Golden Knights. Today's question was:

What are some benefits of practicing inside?

L.J. Anderson
#63 Junior Offensive Guard

"Well, the biggest benefit for the offensive line, since we are already over 300 pounds, is that we don't have to run from Jamaica to the Bahamas to get to the next drill. So it's a little tighter space. It keeps us cool and we can enjoy it better. Practicing on grass though makes it easier to learn football but being in the indoor facility takes away from the fatigue so we can have a little bit of a faster practice."

Mike Merritt
#85 Senior Tight End

"Practicing inside is more intense since everybody is inside we are really close to each other and Coach O'Leary is able to pinpoint on things that he sees wrong and when he sees something going well. Inside it is hot but the coaches are closer to you and they can help you out more."

Jeramy DeVane
#66 Sophomore Offensive Guard

"It's nice when the weather is bad outside just to have somewhere to go and you don't have to worry about practice being cancelled or anything like that."

Marquel Neasman
#3 Sophomore Quarterback

"The biggest thing about practicing inside is that it is more mentally challenging than physical. It can get intense. Inside every one is cooler; there isn't the complaining about how hot it is outside. We are all in shape so we can handle practicing inside or outside but I actually prefer playing inside."