Spring Football: Day Seven's Quick Question

March 30, 2007

Orlando, Fla. (www.ucfathletics.com) - Following each spring football practice, a general question will be asked of a selected group of Golden Knights. Today's question was:

What is one thing that you have been trying to improve on during the offseason?

Josh Sitton
#70 Junior Offensive Tackle
"I would like to get stronger. I want to build up my strength in my legs. Now coming into the spring, I would like to finish my blocks and just communicate better as a whole offensive line."

Chance Henderson
#54 Sophomore Linebacker
"I'm just trying to work on my mental reads and to work on having quick feet. I want to be able to cover the whole field."

Phillip Smith
#30 Sophomore Tailback
"I want to work on my strength, especially my leg strength. I need to improve on my cuts too and just learning the game by learning both the defense and offense. I've been trying to get better by watching film of previous plays I was in and by watching others play."

Johnell Neal
#31 Junior Defensive Back
"I personally was working on my upper body strength. I have pretty strong legs but my arms need improvement. I've been working with the strength and conditioning coaches and they will get you strong."