Spring Football: Day Three's Quick Question

March 23, 2007

Orlando, Fla. (www.ucfathletics.com) - Following each spring football practice, a general question will be asked of a selected group of Golden Knights. Today's question was -

How did it feel to play in pads for the first time since last season?

Jason Venson
#45 Junior Free Safety

"It felt really good to bang a little bit with the offense. I think we had a good day defensively. We got after it a little bit. I just felt good to get out there in full pads."

Curtis Francis
#21 Senior Tailback

"It felt great to get back out in pads. We've been out of pads for a while now so for our first day back I think we did a good job."

Jordan Richards
#56 Junior Linebacker

"It was awesome. It's great to be back. I haven't played football since the Houston game last season because I had ankle surgery. It feels good to be back in the swing of things and throw the pads on and hit a few people."

Keith Shologan
#74 Senior Defensive Tackle

"It felt awesome to actually go out there and hit somebody and get to feel physical again. It felt great to know that our conditioning over the last few months has really paid off."

Patrick Brown
#78 Junior Offensive Tackle

"It felt really good. The team is looking good and everybody is excited about practice. There is really good chemistry right now. It was good to get out there and hit somebody."

Mike Merritt
#85 Senior Tight End

"It felt great just being around my teammates and to hear Coach O'Leary do a lot of yelling. It felt good. Being in pads isn't that different (from no pads) because Coach O'Leary usually does tops anyways, but it felt good out there today."